January 4, 2010

SO far things are going well... BUT lets be real, it's only Day 4!

I am proud to say that so far 2010 has rocked! I have been going to the gym regularly, meeting lovely new people and really enjoying my single life on the west side. Things are going so well and I am really holding my own, even when it comes to random early am text messages from the navy. Yes, Dubs has struck again! This is what I like to call ST's texts from last night:

(814) "You soooooo need to come over tonight"

Okay... I don't think need to do anything for you:
1. I haven't talked to you since I told you to "grow up" three weeks ago
2. I'm not getting out of bed for you

Dubs and I had a bit of a fling in the Senior year of my College career. We still keep in touch, but come on - I don't want to hang out with you after 1:00 am unless your willing to spend some quality time with me at 12 noon. 2 years ago, I would have flirted my way into a nice compromise. This time, I got called a bitch and it was so worth it! I'm holding my own on this one. Sorry Dubs.

For all you single ladies out there, don't let some jackass expect you to come over in the wee hours of the night. Just tell em you'll be over really soon, turn off your phone and go to bed.... you will wake up with a whole new appreciation for yourself and a whole lot of crazy text messages.

Stay strong ladies!

1 comment:

  1. i know about those foolish late night texts oh so well lol i just wrote a blog about one i recieved the other night and i had to go ahead and ignore it after i found myself getting angry...
