October 28, 2009

New Beginnings

Halloween weekend is coming up and we are very excited to say that the Space will be picking up from its current location in Willoughby and heading to the West Side! Lakewood, Ohio will become our new stomping ground and we couldn't be happier. With its close proximity to Downtown Cleveland, Lakewood will provide Studio Space and its writers the chance to branch out in the music and art scene. Currently we are working on interviews with up and coming Cleveland artist and the fun doesn't stop there. Keep following along! We will be updating soon!

October 20, 2009

Star Gazing

If you're up at 1am, or anytime between then and dusk Wednesday, be sure to take a quick peek outside for the 2009 Orionid Meteor Shower. Producing 20-25 meteors an hour, it should be quite the display. Best way to find em is to look up :)

Want to chat about it: use Twitter hashtag #meteorshower when you find those little lights in the sky.


October 18, 2009

Blogging from Bed

A few things I'm happy about today:
1. I'm currently cuddled in my bed and not ashamed to admit that I'm still in my pj's
2. My finger hurts like hell, but I am able to hit the enter key with it again!
3. Dad made the best breakfast this morning... Perfect cure for the Holy Moses/Stella Artois blues
4. Browns vs. Steelers.
5. Troy is back on the field today. Epic!
6. I have decided I would like to see Paranormal Activity tonight. Who is in?!
7. Last night may have been the last time I drive to Wlby from Lakewood at 1:45am due to my fear of sleeping in strange places - Somniphobia?
8. My room is a mess. Hopefully that means I'm making progress on packing
9. The newest edition of Real Simple Magazine - its the simple things in life :)
10. Apple Crisp


October 17, 2009

Football Frenzy

Oh Saturday, I love when we get to cuddle up and sleep in on these cold fall mornings together ... OR when the alarm clock rings at 7:00am to get ready for Saturday football!

Yes all, I have re-started my position on Local 306; they needed a girl and its not like I really did much before I broke my finger.
----For those who are unaware of my current situation, here's the quick story. 2nd week of football I broke my right small finger in an attempt to recover a fumble. I thought it would be a simple fix, but it turned out I needed surgery! So now I have titanium plates and screws in my delicate hand. Aside from having to wear a cast for two weeks and having the fattest finger in the world, I'm doing much better and therapy is going really well.----

Adam, our team captain and my trusty side kick in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, asked me to come out and "just stand there". Well I definitely did more than just stand there; the current condition of my football cleats and white Muni Pool sweatshirt is proof.

Our team did like we always do for the first half; interceptions thrown, balls dropped and a few touchdowns from the opposition that should have been prevented. Some how, after about 6 weeks, Taseff had an Oprah "Ah-Ha" moment and asked to use the oppositions football (Bouce and Sons - #1 team, naturally - and many of our other opponents play with a smaller ball than we do.) There was a dramatic difference in play and team moral for the second half. Ryan Cravotta was a force to be reckoned with and Adam Taseff chimed in with two touchdowns, not to mention his two extra point blocks in the first half. We were a completely different team and it felt great! Although we still didn't catch up enough to win, I think that was the most fun I've had playing with these guys since our first game. I can assure you if it weren't 10am and I wasn't poor, I would have gone to the Tremont Treehouse with my teammates.

But, celebrate we will tonight! Ryan has a birthday request and it involves Cleveland Beer Week. We will start the celebration at Great Lakes Brewery, a place I have yet to visit, and then work our way to East 4th or West 6th. Yes, I know I'm taking my single self into the land of douch-baggery, simply known as West 6th; but like any guy is really going to approach a chick who thinks a hand splint is the top fall fashion accessory.

Looking forward to a great night!


October 16, 2009

It's Friday I'm In Love

It's 9:43pm on a Friday and I am completely content with staying inside away from the elements. Lately, Friday evenings have become my safe haven where I can actually breathe and relax. My oldest sister Sara, who lives in Colorado, says her favorite relaxation moment during the week is when she comes home from work, has a glass of red wine and makes dinner with Matt, her boyfriend. So relax, crack open a bottle and exhale; because tomorrow is Saturday, and if you're anything like me, you have a packed schedule of family, friends and the great outdoors. Enjoy the evening!

Leasing Office

Today is a great day. Not only is it Friday; a day when if all else fails, you watch movie trailers at work. But its also the day when I officially sign my lease to the new place in Lakewood.

Lakewood, Ohio. What can be said? Aside from the fact that its close to downtown CLE and the CLE Metroparks, its also has great history and an amazing social scene.

First things first, I'm not a newbie to the Lakewood scene. Working in Rocky River for the past year, I have learned to love and appreciate the surrounding areas known simply as the West Side. Don't fret East Siders - I still love Willoughby and all that it has to offer, BUT I'm ready to try something new!

Secondly, I finally found a place that has everything I want (well almost). Right price, right size, wood floors, high ceilings. Only downfall - NO PARKING. So street parking it is, not a problem for Izzy. Izzy is my car for those of you who are unaware... I'm sure one day I will write about all the loves in my life, but for today a simple introduction will do: Izzy the Impreza.

Well, I'm off to sign the papers!

October 15, 2009

No this is not a tribute to Mr. Phil Collins

Welcome to my personal blog: STudio Space.
This space is a creative work bench for all the things I'm currently interested in. My style is whimsical and adaptive; always inventing, ever changing.
STudio Space is my sewing machine, my turn table, my dive, my vent: its STraight up Shelley.