January 25, 2010

Fight or Flight

Human beings need a lot of things to feel alive. Family . . . Love . . . Sex. But we only need one thing . . . To actually be alive. We need a beating heart. When our heart is threatened . . . We respond in one of two ways. We either run or . . . We attack. There's a scientific term for this: Fight . . . Or flight. It's instinct . . . We can't control it. Or can we? Grey's Anatomoy

On Saturday night, Adam made me watch Signs. Well he didn't force me, but I would have rather kept watching Troy... mmm Brad Pitt....

Signs, the M. Night Shyamalan movie about extraterrestrial life and the coincidences around us everyday, really got me thinking. I'm sure I will head back to the topic of signs and fate in life at a later date, but today I want to talk about human reactions to ET and his friends coming to kill us. I'm laying there in front of the fire, 2 dogs protecting me from the movie and its eerie soundtrack, wondering what I would do if these green goblins were chasing me. Would I run? Would I stay? Would I fight? Or Would I faint?

I like to say that I would fight. Erie-ite Michael Mancinelli told me once, "Poppet, you run well in heels, I think you could survive a scary movie." Thats all I needed to hear to know that I would survive the zombie apocalypse if it ever come. But than there I was, scared to go to the corner of the house and grab my things because of some stupid movie. Maybe it was the relaxed environment of a fluffy pet and chocolate brownie that had me so calm, the echoing surround sound immediately made me jump.

Being a life guard and quick problem solver, I have been know to react fast. I'm sure ATF will tell you differently (I'm only 50% at reacting to a thrown football). But still, in immediate danger I would do anything and everything I could to face the demon, psycho or 15 foot alien and stay alive. Whatever I had to do.

How do you think you would react? Would you fight? Or would you find yourself in flight?

1 comment:

  1. I would probably be in flight. I'm a reacter, and a quick one at that, I probably would do whatever I could as fast as I could to get the heck away!

    I don't know, maybe I should find me some aliens and see what happens!
