Hey friends! Just wanted to let you know we're picking up and heading over to the new site. Please follow along if you can. I look forward to seeing all of you at SongBird!!
February 13, 2010
February 9, 2010
Time flies when your having....
FUN! As much as work has been a bit crazy, workouts are killing my legs and I have barely any cash to my name, I can honestly say I am totally, completely content with life! Moving out was just the start of really feeling my independence kick in. Maybe my endorphins are just buzzing from my ultimate work out tonight, but I really feel like I can take on the world. Sure I have set backs... and I even found myself pulling into the Y parking lot only wanting to turn around and go home (weather was nuts, I was tired) but I kept going. You work through the stress, through the pain, towards an idea that you can do anything you put your mind to. Most of my readers know I'm really big in the power of positive thinking. When I have negative people around me I feel their negativity working against me, pulling me into a vast pit of self doubt. That's why I try to surround myself with positive people, workaholics who love life and will walk through set backs with ease, grace and good fashion :) I can't say there are never days when I feel down or a bit unsure. But right now, I get it. I'm taking whatever I'm handed and working it to the best of my ability.
Things, people, lifestyles, art, fashion, other bloggers - they are all inspiring me right now!
Here are a few that I surely love and THANK for doing they're thing!
Angie @ http://angiegoboom.com/
Alissa @ http://www.thecorporatechick.com/
Ashley @ http://getreale.blogspot.com/
Adam @ http://www.arterx.com/
Jessica @ http://whatiwore.tumblr.com/
Kim @ http://kimkardashian.celebuzz.com/ (love her!)
Who Dat!? @ http://www.neworleanssaints.com/ (Who Dat there gonna beat them Saints!)
What keeps you motivated and inspired???
February 6, 2010
Valentines Day
Setting: Erie, PA. Mercyhurst College, Valentines Day 2004
Chris Van Horn walked in the rain to come see me at my dorm in Egan Hall. I wasn't feeling well at all that day (I would always get sick in the late winter at school). Chris brought me chocolates even though I had no desire to eat and proceeded to ask me to be his girl friend. I quickly said yes... We watched a movie in the lounge and than he left. He later called to say he made it home a bit quicker because he had "a lil pep in his step". Chris always knew what to say to make me smile... That was the first and last Valentine I have ever had (besides dad, he always got us some treats for V-Day). Chris and I lasted for a few months, the pressures of keeping a long distance relationship got to both of us. I can't say I know what he is doing now, but I wish him a Happy Valentines Day!
I have never been one of those single girls that are against this Holiday, But I don't understand its purpose. I think you should be able to celebrate love in a relationship any and every day.
Here are a few statistics for Valentines Day that I was able to track down:
- 180 Million Valentines Day Cards exchanged annually, this number excludes children's boxed Valentines for school exchange (hallmark research)
- 120 single men to 100 single women in the 20 Something Age Bracket (US Census)
- 1,273 = the number of locations producing Chocolate or Cocoa products in 2003 (US Census)
- 1 = the number of Valentines Days Shelley has participated in (Known Fact...)
I would really like to know where all these single men are?? Maybe Loveland, CO or Romeo, MI.
Big Plans for the 14th? Funny story from the past?? I want to hear your Valentine stories so send em in!!
February 3, 2010
Ladies dine at Luxe
I know I said I would be writing about Root Cafe tonight, but I think my Monday night adventures will be more exciting. Monday was a crazy day at work... it literally sucked. Luckily I had dinner plans with 6 wonderful friends, which made pulling off the side of the road to send an excel sheet to a client so much more worth it! I was 30 minutes late to dinner at Luxe because of that spreadsheet I can't complain too much, that grid is the reason I get paid.
I walked into the loungy restaurant and was greeted by Katie, Sarah, Jamie, Candice, Maggie and Laura - all of my favorite girls from Willoughby we were missing Annie, she wasn't feeling well. The girls and I have been doing this new thing, every two weeks we meet at a new restaurant. It started on New Years Eve at Momocho, mid January at The Greenhouse Tavern and Monday at Luxe. Our good friend Dylan works at Luxe and they have amazing happy hour specials which were both an added bonus! I slammed 3 hoegaardens in very little time (buy one get one... don't judge) and was so happy to be in good company. The girls always know what to say and how to cheer me up... I won't tell you what candice said and did in the mens bathroom, but it was epic! The food was great, conversation was awesome and I realized where I learned to drink like a fish. The night ended with me rushing to the Y to swim a mile. A few words of advice; Don't drink and Swim....
L to R: Jamie (and baby), Sarah, Katie, Laura
Maggie and Candice
Sarah and Katie sharing a moment
Luxe is located in the Gordon Arts District along the Detroit Shoreway
Simply Shelley
Detroit-Shoreway, Cleveland, OH, USA
January 31, 2010
We're going to Kentucky, We're going to the Fair!
We're actually going to the West Side Market! After a glorious brutal win on Clark fields with Team Arterx, I rushed home to greet Stefanie (sister), Kurt (brother in law) and Chase (nephew) at the apartment. This was the little guys first viewing of my new place in Lakewood and he was such a big boy walking up the three flights of stairs to get to the space. After a quick tour we heading towards Ohio City in search of "Big Fish" as Chase kept saying. 1pm on a Saturday at the market is a crazy time to go, but it added to the cultural ambiance of the visit. Recycled Shopping bags in hand Stef and I set out to grab some fresh produce while Kurt and Chase had a learning lesson in fruits and veggies. If you have never heard a 2 year old say "asparagus", I can tell you its absolutely adorable! I grabbed avocados, asparagus, cucumbers and a huge head of cabbage (I'm gonna reattempt cabbage and noodles - wish me luck).
We stepped inside the complex to peruse the over 70 vendors that provide meat, dairy products, pastries and seafood to the greater CLE area. Stef had a shopping list so Kurt, Chase and I walked around looking for the "big fish" Chase wanted to see. We tasted popcorn, tried some beef jerky and of course got a sausage sandwich at Franks. Stef walked away with some great deals and I snapped some fun pictures.
We stepped inside the complex to peruse the over 70 vendors that provide meat, dairy products, pastries and seafood to the greater CLE area. Stef had a shopping list so Kurt, Chase and I walked around looking for the "big fish" Chase wanted to see. We tasted popcorn, tried some beef jerky and of course got a sausage sandwich at Franks. Stef walked away with some great deals and I snapped some fun pictures.
Chase and his catch of the day
Kurt and Chase checking out some seafood
Kurt also found a favorite at Vera's Bakery
Even though he's not looking at the camera, the propped elbow on my shoulder proves his stud status
Check out the West Side Market here to find out more about this historic working landmark.
Here's to a great weekend - Cheers Cleveland! -S
Next Stop ------> The Root Cafe
Cleveland Plays,
West Side,
West Side Market
January 30, 2010
Lets do the time warp again
Friday night I set out on an adventure to find my creative side and wound up in 1972 surrounded by antique avocado dishes and polyester...lots of polyester. Flower Child, located directly on Clifton, provides thrifters and vintage advocates alike a chance to time warp. Serving the Greater CLE area, Flower Child has been open for 7 years dishing out decor and threads from the 1930's through 1970's. I found myself aimlessly walking through set displays wanting to purchase everything and anything. I have to say the furniture was a bit pricey but is really fun to look at. Sifting through the record albums, I found a few that would look great on the office wall and knew I could easily mount them with UO record frames. Not wanting to waste the classic beats I would send em' off to Bob (dad) who has a record player. I figured he would enjoy the sweet sounds of a young Santana and James Taylor (the record actually had a version of Taylor signing You've Got a Friend which is Bob and my's father-daughter song). Walking up to the counter with what I thought would be my purchases, the woman working casually asked me if I had been downstairs yet... uh oh, I knew then and there I aka my budget was in trouble.
Creaking down the tiny stairwell lands you in a mecca of housewares, barware, clothing and furniture from varying decades. 20 different rooms, each owned by a specific vendor, are scattered throughout the slanting lines of the basement. Rooms like the one featured below had me trying on hats, fumbling through racks of synthetic fiber and wondering how Pam (mom) ever fit into those leather pants...
Creaking down the tiny stairwell lands you in a mecca of housewares, barware, clothing and furniture from varying decades. 20 different rooms, each owned by a specific vendor, are scattered throughout the slanting lines of the basement. Rooms like the one featured below had me trying on hats, fumbling through racks of synthetic fiber and wondering how Pam (mom) ever fit into those leather pants...
I have to say, for the hour I spent in Flower Child, a smile never left my face. I wanted to make a bed out of the
vintage Ladies Home Journal and spend the night! Totally awesome place to go on a Friday night. I ended up
ditching the records and opted for this amazing Mens cardigan in my favorite color of the moment, Avocado!
I also snagged a cute little pom pom hat in off white. Hoping to wear it soon, as CLE is blistery these days
Enjoy the evening and stay warm Lakewood!
To learn more about Flower Child visit http://www.flowerchildretro.com/
Next stop -----> West Side Market with Chase (nephew) Stef (sister) and Kurt (brother in law)
January 29, 2010
Turn to ICE
Yesterday A. and I snuck out of work early to travel down to Columbus and see two or our favorite artists. A. had introduced me to both Owl City and Lights early in the summer of 2009 and I became a bit addicted to the electropopmusic that was coming through the speakers. I can still remember driving through Wlby Hills one Saturday afternoon this July, trying to keep up with LIGHTS crazy lyrically verse in ICE...
She sings all that in under 20 seconds and its hilarious if you ever catch me singing along in the car.I'm looking at you looking at me, what can I do but say sorryIt's a little late but you know I just want you to be happy.What I got to say to make you let me get away with it this time.I know you're upset and that you're happy just to sit and hate me,But I'll make a bet that you'll be better to forget about me,Even better yet I'll let a little light melt the ice, ice baby!
All-in-all the evening was charged with two 20-somethings watching two 20-somethings fulfill their life long goal. This produced a 30 minute road trip conversation about life and how both A and myself are ready to fully immerse ourselves in side projects. I really want this blog to keep me and its followers (that have been so awesome and helpful) empowered.
Whether it's just the starting block of something bigger, or the ultimate success story, Songbird will be my in! People are gonna love me! just kidding :) ----- S
LIGHTS and Me after an awesome show in Columbus, Ohio
Owl City,
Simply Shelley
Columbus, OH, USA
January 25, 2010
Fight or Flight
Human beings need a lot of things to feel alive. Family . . . Love . . . Sex. But we only need one thing . . . To actually be alive. We need a beating heart. When our heart is threatened . . . We respond in one of two ways. We either run or . . . We attack. There's a scientific term for this: Fight . . . Or flight. It's instinct . . . We can't control it. Or can we? Grey's Anatomoy
On Saturday night, Adam made me watch Signs. Well he didn't force me, but I would have rather kept watching Troy... mmm Brad Pitt....
Signs, the M. Night Shyamalan movie about extraterrestrial life and the coincidences around us everyday, really got me thinking. I'm sure I will head back to the topic of signs and fate in life at a later date, but today I want to talk about human reactions to ET and his friends coming to kill us. I'm laying there in front of the fire, 2 dogs protecting me from the movie and its eerie soundtrack, wondering what I would do if these green goblins were chasing me. Would I run? Would I stay? Would I fight? Or Would I faint?
I like to say that I would fight. Erie-ite Michael Mancinelli told me once, "Poppet, you run well in heels, I think you could survive a scary movie." Thats all I needed to hear to know that I would survive the zombie apocalypse if it ever come. But than there I was, scared to go to the corner of the house and grab my things because of some stupid movie. Maybe it was the relaxed environment of a fluffy pet and chocolate brownie that had me so calm, the echoing surround sound immediately made me jump.
Being a life guard and quick problem solver, I have been know to react fast. I'm sure ATF will tell you differently (I'm only 50% at reacting to a thrown football). But still, in immediate danger I would do anything and everything I could to face the demon, psycho or 15 foot alien and stay alive. Whatever I had to do.
How do you think you would react? Would you fight? Or would you find yourself in flight?
January 19, 2010
I am a Song Bird
I have been working very closely with my friend Adam of Arterx to re energize my blog. Adam approached me with the simple thought that maybe Studio Space was just a bit "tough" for me. I agreed and set out on a adventure to find my true name. I hit up Polyvore for some inspiration and realized Adam knows me better than I thought. He kept using words like "organic" and "soft" and I couldn't agree more! Below is the set I passed along to ATF for some inspiration. Its riddled with my need to create, love and cherish everything around me.
I have found a new name and have realized there is this little birdie inside of me that has been dying to get out. I can't wait to see what Arterx comes up with :)
Now I set off to learn HTML code, any words of wisdom are encouraged and appreciated!
I have found a new name and have realized there is this little birdie inside of me that has been dying to get out. I can't wait to see what Arterx comes up with :)
Now I set off to learn HTML code, any words of wisdom are encouraged and appreciated!
January 17, 2010
January Bliss
Things have been a bit crazy lately, so tonight I decided to place all of my favorite items around me and head into a relaxing evening. Calming candles, a light soundtrack and a few pieces of clothing I can't live without are all providing the perfect setup for a peaceful winter night.
January 10, 2010
The Young and The Restless
I think I have been denying myself my youth lately. After a W on the board for Team Arterx, our team went to the Lincoln Park Pub in Tremont for a few celebratory drinks. We somehow got onto the age game. Everyone on the team is late 20s, early 30s or older. I on the other hand am sitting pretty at 23 yrs of age. "Well, I was born in 1986." A little laughter crawls over the table. J. Byrne reminds me of something I have forgotten lately; an idea that got lost among the bills, grocery shopping and apartment decorating. "Shelley, your like in your prime right now!" You know what, I totally agree.
Lately I have fallen into the pattern of single, working girl/domestic goddess. I rarely go out and have even skipped out on my weekly bottle of wine, due to bills, dates with my Swiffer Wet Jet and the gym. I'm very happy for my accomplishments in life thus far in my life - Graduated from college, found a great job, got a place of my own.... I have followed all the rules, well most of them - I deserve to get out and celebrate once and a while. Which is why I am so glad I went out with my friends in Willoughby on Friday night...
Sarah and I got a few drinks at 1899 in DTW. We had a couple hours by ourselves and than the boys came to meet up with us. All was well in the world and I had a great time! Saturday, as I mentioned was the first Winter Football Game. Unfortunately I was completely exhausted after Friday nights (err mornings) rendezvous til 8am, football and 4 beers, that by the time I got home at 3:45pm today, I passed out til 8.... It was well deserved don't you think??
I had to drag myself out of my warm bed; I only ate chips and guac for the day so I figured food was necessary. Giant Eagle, late night, is like being on the set of a scary movie. Bread looks different under the dark shadows of the store running at half electrical power. The deli, butcher and seafood windows are cleared and blacked out. The rent a cop in aisle 4 makes you feel like you just committed a crime for checking the nutrition facts on 100 calorie popcorn. Luckily, no cart traffic made shopping a breeze and I was able to escape unscathed
So now, here I am watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer reruns, eating 100 cal popcorn and wondering why I can't have a secret vampire relationship like Spike and Buffy...
Pop corn, reruns and vampire fantasies on a Saturday night. Maybe I am ready to grow up.

January 7, 2010
2 words: Cleveland Winter

Today at about 2:30 pm, it started snowing, a lot. So much actually that we received an email from HR that if conditions were as bad tomorrow and we couldn't drive to work, we should work from home. To bad the office is 5 minutes away from my apartment. Driving in the snow is extremely fun for me because I have Izzy underneath me. She's a happy healthy 1 year old Subaru Impreza, and the chick knows how to tear it up on the side streets. Unfortunately if your from Ohio, you've come to realize that even though we're used to extreme conditions, some act like they are from Florida. "What is that white stuff and why am I fishtailing everywhere?" Seriously! Pick it up people! I know you want to be safe, but you're more likely to spin at 5 mph than keeping it a steady 25. I can't even imagine what people did when they didn't have snow plows. According to this picture from the Cleveland storm of 1950, they had shoveling parties to clear the streets.
The weather is going to be pretty bad for the next few days, just in time for our first winter football game on Saturday! The team looks great this season - broken bones have healed and we have added some height in the back zones. Nothing like playing outside in the middle of a Winter Snow Storm! PS: If you google image "touch football" you get a lot of results, some involving "touch", some involving "football" and a few involving Elvis??

January 6, 2010
Positive Energy Needed
Being a firm believer in the power of positive thinking, If you could please send positive thoughts to my Grammy, they will not go unnoticed. I just got word from my dad that Grammy is in the hospital and they are unsure what is wrong. Truth is my mom went over to her house yesterday and she was fine, but over night and into the morning things took a turn for the worse. They are treating her for meningitis which means I am not allowed to see her or go see my mom who is with her. My sister and I were just talking and were both in shock. Grammy, to us, is immortal. Being a caretaker for 25 years to my grandpa who passed away 2 years ago, she was never sick - she was the one bedside and now she's in it. What makes me so upset is that I want to talk to my mom, she would tell me it will be okay, but right now, she is telling her own mother it will be okay. My mom and grammy are the 2 strongest women I know. I can't see my mom lose another parent so soon after losing her father, so please send us your positive thoughts and prayers.
Update - 9:16pm - No change yet, but grammy hasn't gotten any worse. I think the positive prayers are doing us good! Please keep them coming...
Update - 01/07/2010 - 12:14pm - As my mom said to me this morning, it is no longer in our hands. Grammy asked this morning, "what is wrong with me" - although this is sad, its a good sign; it shows progress. She is a strong lady, she will survive this, she needs to survive this. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.
Update - 01/07 - 9:45pm - Mom called this afternoon and said Grammy is doing okay. Stef went to see her and said It wasn't the best, she just doesn't look the same. The woman is a saint, she is a caretaker, a baby sitter, a role model, and the best damn cook I know. With this being bacterial meningitis, there is a chance she will not fully recover. I don't know how she, being so stuck in her ways of always moving and working hard, will be able to just do nothing. Its in Gods hands right now. Your thoughts and prayers are working... things are slowly getting better
January 5, 2010
I... get... so... weak in the knees, I can hardly speak.....
....No seriously! The elliptical is killing my legs and taking my breath away! Luckily I'm enjoying every second of it! I joined the Lakewood YMCA just before the new year and have to say I have only seen 1 attractive male there so far... WTF! I mean sure that's not the only reason I joined. As my mom says we all need to be a bit healthier this year. Also it helps relieve some of the stresses of the work day. Of course I did think, maybe, by some act of God I would happen to stumble into the man of my dreams. I'm sure no one wants to really approach me after 3 miles on the tready. A girl can dream though.
Here are a few other reasons I like the Y:
1. I can swim whenever I want and I look really good doing it next to all those older people.
2. Working out never made me feel crappy. Endorphins are always buzzing!
3. Workout Mixes... I love the way my butt starts to move a little bit more when a really awesome song comes on
4. Because what else am I supposed to do this winter - I live in Cleveland!
A few things I could do without:
1. Remember those older people in the pool... try that in the locker room. ugh
2. Stinky people
3. Dudes who grunt while they lift - I think I can hear you moaning over Girl Talk
4. Forgetting my Nalgene in the car, going to purchase water from the vending machine, and now having $4 in quarters sitting in my book bag because I only had a 5 on me
All in all, I'm starting to love going to the gym.
What helps you enjoy your workouts???
January 4, 2010
SO far things are going well... BUT lets be real, it's only Day 4!
I am proud to say that so far 2010 has rocked! I have been going to the gym regularly, meeting lovely new people and really enjoying my single life on the west side. Things are going so well and I am really holding my own, even when it comes to random early am text messages from the navy. Yes, Dubs has struck again! This is what I like to call ST's texts from last night:
(814) "You soooooo need to come over tonight"
Okay... I don't think need to do anything for you:
1. I haven't talked to you since I told you to "grow up" three weeks ago
2. I'm not getting out of bed for you
Dubs and I had a bit of a fling in the Senior year of my College career. We still keep in touch, but come on - I don't want to hang out with you after 1:00 am unless your willing to spend some quality time with me at 12 noon. 2 years ago, I would have flirted my way into a nice compromise. This time, I got called a bitch and it was so worth it! I'm holding my own on this one. Sorry Dubs.
For all you single ladies out there, don't let some jackass expect you to come over in the wee hours of the night. Just tell em you'll be over really soon, turn off your phone and go to bed.... you will wake up with a whole new appreciation for yourself and a whole lot of crazy text messages.
Stay strong ladies!
January 3, 2010
You watch football... I'll go to target
Currently sitting at my parents house finishing #4 of 4 loads of laundry. The TV is showing the Browns game and the radio is playing the Steelers game. I grew up in a house divided: Dad is a Browns fan and Mom bleeds Black and Gold. I'm willing to watch both, but I lean more towards the stillers. I enjoy watching football, but all you crazy Browns fans I just drove by while passing the Stadium are nuts! I mean its like 10 degrees outside. Than again, our touch football team practiced yesterday for about an hour in the same weather - first game is this Saturday!

So instead of watching the first half of the Browns game/listening to the Steelers game, Madre and I went to the local Target. Steffie and Chase came along too! It was a family affair at The Bullseye. I got some rugs for the kitchen, mom got some things for the house, and Chase got a new dinosaur coloring book. The kid loves dinosaurs!
He also loves my socks. Chase is my nephew for those of you who aren't familiar. He is also one of my god sons and the smartest 2 year old I know. Here he is lounging on top of my funny purple socks.

Tonight, I have big plans and they involve an Elliptical. Anyone have song suggestions to add to my new work out mix??
Enjoy the evening!
January 1, 2010
44 things you might not know about me...

2. Natalie Wood is my favorite female actress, and even though Christopher Walken is a great actor, I still believe he had a role in her death.

3. I have a slight fear of heights and an even greater fear of dark water - and I have been swimming competitively since I was 8 years old
4. I tell my mother most everything, but have not been able to tell her I'm a social smoker.
5. I strongly believe in the power of positive thinking
6. Pam and Jim's relationship on The Office is amazing, I can't wait to find my best friend.
7. I do not like being in a car or plane for more than 2.5 hours
8. I would really enjoy going to the Olympic Games once in my lifetime
9. I love performing arts. Opera, ballet, concerts, Broadway... love it
10. I enjoy watching old dance movies that feature Gene Kelly - An American In Paris is my favorite
11. While I was in middle school, my family and I lost all our belongings in a house fire. If my mom wouldn't have woken up, we could have lost my father as well. I never take anything for granted. Life is too precious.
12. I believe I am equal parts of both my sisters. I have the positivity and creativity of my sister Sara; strength and humor of my sister Stefanie.
13. Most people hate hospitals. I don't - I still think about becoming a nurse

14. I enjoy listening to covers of The Beatles; Across the Universe and I Am Sam are favorite soundtracks of mine
15. I think Turkey Hot Dogs are amazing
16. I am completely obsessed with Diet Dr. Pepper and not ashamed to talk about all 23 flavors
17. I have fallen in love, but was not loved the same in return - I hate the feeling of a broken heart, its as if an elephant just came and sat on your chest.
18. My parents have been married for 30 years and are still going strong- they are a great inspiration to me
19. Penny Lane - Kate Hudson's character in Almost Famous - is a profound inspiration in my life. "It's all happening."

20. My friend doesn't know, but I started crying at the LIGHTS concert when I realized I would never be as skinny as she is
21. I love to write people. Everyone feels special when they receive mail and I like to make people feel special.
22. Out of the 5 love languages - physical touch is my first love language. words of affirmation is my second
23. I love to dance, and I think I'm pretty good at it
24. I steal my neighbors wireless
25. I have a fascination with wearing lingerie under normal day clothes. I like that I'm the only one that knows
26. I love the smell of chlorine on someones body after they have been swimming.
27. I read Eat Pray Love and decided I would learn Italian - I stopped trying after 2 weeks.
28. I have never been out of the country and am totally willing to suffer through the flight to jump the pond
29. I had braces for 5 years and still think my teeth are messed up
30. I have never been ice skating or skiing/snowboard - I'm hoping to change that this winter
31. When I'm upset, the two people I turn to are my parents. They have a way of saying exactly what I need to hear - Usually a hug and "I love you"
32. I believe that I will die by drowning - so does mom. She had reoccurring dreams of me drowning when I was a baby.
33. My dream house is a large house, New England style, wood floors, white linens, french doors and windows that are constantly open, wispy tall grass, a willow tree, and a large lake in the front (possibly the one that will take my life)

34. While in college I studied Fashion Merchandising with hopes of one day owning my own eclectic boutique. I'm a bit off track right now with my 10 year plan, but I hope to get there... one day.
35. I have only been in one legitimate labeled relationship and it lasted 4 months. I was a freshman in college and he took everything. We still talk here and there.
36. My grandmother died when she was 68. I wonder what she would have done at my age if she knew 1/3 of her life was over. I have started to live every day as if it were my last.
37. Although I don't go to church regularly, I still feel a spiritual connection to the lives around me and the undefined spirit world
38. Whenever I fret about money. I take a deep breath and look around my apartment. There are some people who don't even have that.
39. I feel dreams are a powerful reflection into the soul, and if read correctly can be a guiding light towards the future
40. I am looking forward to having children and if everyone is healthy, I would like to have my kids the most natural way possible - I don't want medications or hospital gowns to take away my experience of child birth.
41. I have a tattoo and got it strategically placed in a location my mother and father would never see it, but I told them about it the next day.
42. Even though I don't have much experience in Love and relationships, my friends still trust my advice on them.
43. I think schedules are needed at times, and when a spontaneous moment comes along I'm not afraid.
44. I have yet to say "I love you". I'm very happy I still have that moment to share with someone.

Happy New Year
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